Pune nofollow pe link-urile de afiliat.
Pune nofollow pe link-urile de afiliat.
Este pus de la inceputul lui august in robots.txt disallow pentru link-urile de afiliere.
Pentru probleme punctuale ma puteti contacta oricand pe email.
btw, va recomand produsele pentru inceperea scolii, fie de la Stollers, fie de la eMAG.
Disallow in robots.txt doar opreste indexarea URL-urilor, nu limiteaza accesul crawlerului la eleN-o sa functioneze. Been there, done that.
Mersi tetele.
Robots blocheaza accesul botilor.
The robots.txt file is like an electronic No Trespassing sign. It tells Googlebot and other crawlers which files and directories on your server should not be crawled.
It's important to note that even if you use a robots.txt file to block spiders from crawling content on your site, Google could discover it in other ways and add it to our index.
"should not be crawled". Adica nu limiteaza. Ce n-am zis bine?
Traducere aproximativa: "Fisierul spune ca directoarele blocate trebuie sa nu fie accesate".
Chiar si titlul articolului "Blocking Google" spune tot.
Si alta pagina:
These bots are automated, and before they access pages of a site, they check to see if a robots.txt file exists that prevents them from accessing certain pages. (All respectable robots will respect the directives in a robots.txt file, although some may interpret them differently.
Nichita, eu iti zic ca treaba asta n-a functionat la 2Parale. Din experienta proprie, nu din documentatia Google.
De aici.SHOULD This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
Nichita eu din practica spun ca nu indexaza continutul (daca vrea google) dar va indexa existenta paginii , cu titlu si alte cateva elemente, dar fara continut.
Nu ma pricep la SEO dar ma bag in seama
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