20th August 2012, 00:49
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Mda. Am studiat problema putin acum si nu gasesc informatii care sa confirme o penalizare.
Teoria e ceva mai veche, eu am citit despre asta acum vreo 2-3 ani. Se bazeaza pe o afirmatie a lui Matt Cutts, cum ca la schimbarea owner-ului, link-urile isi reseteaza valoarea la zero.
Cateva date aici, autorul sustine deasemeni ca nu exista niciun efect: Does Google Reset Links To Zero? | WebsterJorgensen.com
Fragment: At Domain Round Table 2008, Matt Cutts mentioned that Google sets the links to zero or near zero on domains that change hands. Aaron Wall gave a good reason as to why they want to do this. Google doesn't want to set up big arbitrage opportunities for smart SEOs who know the real value of old domains.
I recently tested this and moved a site to a new registrar and new IP address and nothing happened. In fact, the site gained several spots for its main keyword.
Deci, se pare ca e doar un zvon. Ma intreb insa de ce ar fi spus Matt Cutts asta, daca nu e adevarat (sau era atunci?)