- SketchUp is a simple but powerful tool for quickly and easily creating, viewing and modifying your 3D ideas.
Na ca o iau si pe urmele 3D Max-ului. Evident ca exista si o versiune FREE B) - SketchUp is a simple but powerful tool for quickly and easily creating, viewing and modifying your 3D ideas.
Na ca o iau si pe urmele 3D Max-ului. Evident ca exista si o versiune FREE B) - A simple-blog
Intr-o buna zi, o sa ajungem sa cumparam si Google-Coke © Don't worry, there is no spam
A, si din Googamp se vor auzi frumoasele acorduri "we're all living in a google submarin, a google submarin". Ce e Googamp? Pai playerul default din GoogleOS Free Edition.
]Postat în original de Dan.Rades @ May 12 2006, 10:32 AM) [post=14667
"we're all living in a google submarin, a google submarin".[/QUOTE]
Super tare frate! :lol:
Daca ai nevoie de un programator... | Nu folosesc !YM
De cateva ori : Google Trends si aici.
Mai ramane sa mai vad la TV... la stiri si in ziare.
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
Google co-op
si in curand google notebook
Also, poate va intereseaza si asta
Google Spreadsheet
Serviciu lansat ieri: 06-06-'06Create, store and share spreadsheets on the web.
Imagine a spreadsheet that's always current and that others can update from their own computers, even at the same time.
Get started quickly.
Import your existing spreadsheets or create new ones from scratch.
Edit your spreadsheets from anywhere.
All you need is a Web browser - your spreadsheets are stored securely online.
Share changes in real-time.
Invite people to your spreadsheets and make changes together, at the same time.
Google Spreadsheets is a limited test. You can try it out by signing up for an invitation on the right.![]()
Multumim Stelian. Dar a fost deja postat.
Alternativa Microsoft Excel de la Google
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
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