Un amic din Spania vrea sa lanseze un serviciu international cu plata (nu pot spune despre ce e vorba). Initial va fi lansat in limba engleza, apoi si in altele. Partea cea mai delicata este cea de promovare a serviciului si cauta pe cineva cu experienta in privinta gestionarii unui astfel de proiect.
Iata ce vrea:
Someone who is familiar or very familiar with…
a. Social Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace in order to campaign here although I don’t think they are the “most” effective tools anyhow…
b. Google Adwords and how to “more or less” define banners so that a designer can create them and they can follow up on them. Supervising the effectiveness of Google Adwords.
c. Leading the way in contacting magazines and newspapers who are interested in writing articles about new businesses and ideas, whether it has to be paid or not.
d. Performing other tasks that worked in creating buzz and get people to promote the service.
Exista asa ceva in .ro? Daca da, va rog sa-mi dati pe PM.