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Microsoft a creat o retea sociala - So.cl
Cei de la Microsoft nu stau degeaba si se pare ca si-au creat si ei o retea sociala (un fel de portal mai bine spus, nu se bazeaza doar pe impartit poze si alte cele, ca Facebook). Este destinat mai mult "scolareilor" (n-o spun in sensul pueril). Link-ul este https://www.so.cl/
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With So.cl you can share your search and help others discover what they might be looking for. Fun commentary & discussions usually follow.
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Doing things with others is a fun part of So.cl. Start a video party on any topic and chat with your friends.
...si un video:
Ultima modificare făcută de Bogdan Calin; 22nd May 2012 la 00:02.
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...nu stiu, dar o sa incerc sa aflu .