Aflu azi despre niste probleme grave ale PayPal in ultimele 2 saptamani si ma intreb cum de nu am aflat pana acum, se pare ca la noi nu s-a discutat prea mult spre mai deloc despre tema asta.
Ati avut aceste probleme, ne afecteaza cu ceva pe noi? Se pare ca e o problema globala.
Problema cu double billing-ul este extrem de grava, nu as vrea sa imi sara in cap clientii cand observa ca le-au disparut mai multi bani. Pana acum nu am avut niciun caz totusi.
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aici se afla postul pe blogul lor
Ce ma ingrijoreaza e ca daca nici macar un merchant de marimea lor nu poate obtine explicatii si ajutor in situatii de genul asta, unul mic chiar nu are nicio sansa.
The Problems
On 15 May Paypal performed a site update - this is confirmed by Paypal here.
After this date numerous problems were reported across the globe:
* The Paypal Handling Cart feature completely broke down
* Cross border payments could not be made as the drop down country list did not work
* Customers have been flooded with hundreds of duplicate subscription emails from Paypal
* Payments from Paypal are no longer associated with the relevant subscriptions
* Some customers have been and are being DOUBLE BILLED by Paypal
* Merchants have not been receiving instant payment notifications or failure notifications
* Merchants/customers are unable to cancel subscriptions