Tocmai citeam acest post, pe "faq-ul" lui Cutts.
Vad ca boldeaza destul de frecvent ideea raportarii site-urilor non-english, care fac spam:
Asa ca e bine sa stiti cum sa raportati un website :By the way, if you have spam reports for non-English languages, now is the perfect time to send those in, even if you use the English version of the spam report form.
1. Unde :
Adresa corecta este aceasta.
2. Cum se completeaza.
Avem :
a) Exact query that shows a problem (copy this from the Google search box):
Puneti adresa website-ului. Ex. .
B) Resulting Google page that shows problem (copy the Google URL):
Puneti adresa din bara browserului, fiind pe rezultatele din google ca cautarea websitelui. Ex : Cautare.
c) The specific web page or site that is misbehaving:
Puneti adresa website-ului. Ex. .
d) Type(s) of problem (check all that apply):
Bifati ce metode de spam foloseste website-ul.
Cele mai frecvente (dar nu inseamna ca sunt singurele aplicabile pentru cazul raportarii tale) sunt :
- Hidden text or links
- Misleading or repeated words
e) Additional details:
IMPORTANT : Includeti cuvantul Bigdaddy in campul Additional details.
Descrieri cat mai profesional posibil, si cat mai clar, cum vedeti dvs. ca fac spam.
Ex 1:
Ex 2:Bigdaddy.
Loads of invisible text and links in the footer, including hundreds of redirects in the links.
Visible text spam all over the index page (ALL over the 1024x768 homepages). Only words.