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Trebuiau ghilimele simple ( ' ), nu duble ( " )
Cod PHP:
if(is_single()) {
echo '<meta name="un tag" content="'.the_permalink().'">';
echo '<meta name="alt tag" content="'.the_permalink().'">'; //asta sa fie pe urmatorul rand si dupa randul acesta sa mai se puna inca un rand (nu merge cu \n)
} else {
echo '<!--bla bla-->';
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get_permalink este corect.
1 out of 1 members found this post helpful.
Nu baga <br /> in <head></head> ci:
Cod PHP:
echo '<meta name="tagname" content="'.the_permalink().'">'."\n";
1 out of 1 members found this post helpful.
Asta ar trebui sa rezolve problema
Cod PHP:
if ('post' == get_post_type() && !is_home()) {
echo '<meta name="1tag" content="'.get_permalink().'">'."\n";
echo '<meta name="2tag" content="'.get_permalink().'">'."\n";