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Subiect: Middle Mouse Button

  1. #1
    Avatarul lui CristiC
    CristiC este deconectat Membru SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    2nd May 2008
    Putere Rep

    Implicit Middle Mouse Button

    Fiind un mare fan Firefox, m-am abisnuit sa inchid tab-urile cu ajutorul butonului din mijloc al mouse-ului.

    Poate din comoditate, as fi dorit sa pot inchide si aplicatiile din Taskbar tot in acelasi mod (folosesc un Win XP).

    Asa ca am gasit aceasta aplicatie si folosind acest script:
      SetBatchLines, -1
      CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
      SetMouseDelay, -1 ; no pause after mouse clicks
      SetKeyDelay, -1 ; no pause after keys sent
      MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY, WindowUnderMouseID
      WinActivate, ahk_id %WindowUnderMouseID%
      SendMessage, 0x84,, ( ClickY << 16 )|ClickX,, ahk_id %WindowUnderMouseID% 
      WM_NCHITTEST_Result =%ErrorLevel%
          #define HTERROR             (-2)
          #define HTTRANSPARENT       (-1)
          #define HTNOWHERE           0
          #define HTCLIENT            1
          #define HTCAPTION           2
          #define HTSYSMENU           3
          #define HTGROWBOX           4
          #define HTSIZE              HTGROWBOX
          #define HTMENU              5
          #define HTHSCROLL           6
          #define HTVSCROLL           7
          #define HTMINBUTTON         8
          #define HTMAXBUTTON         9
          #define HTLEFT              10
          #define HTRIGHT             11
          #define HTTOP               12
          #define HTTOPLEFT           13
          #define HTTOPRIGHT          14
          #define HTBOTTOM            15
          #define HTBOTTOMLEFT        16
          #define HTBOTTOMRIGHT       17
          #define HTBORDER            18
          #define HTREDUCE            HTMINBUTTON
          #define HTZOOM              HTMAXBUTTON
          #define HTSIZEFIRST         HTLEFT
          #define HTSIZELAST          HTBOTTOMRIGHT
          #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
          #define HTOBJECT            19
          #define HTCLOSE             20
          #define HTHELP              21
    ; Close window with titlebar click
      If WM_NCHITTEST_Result in 2,3,8,9,20,21 ; in titlebar enclosed area - top of window
        PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,,, ahk_id %WindowUnderMouseID% ; 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF060 = SC_CLOSE
    ; Close taskbar program click
      IfWinActive, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
        MouseClick, Right, %ClickX%, %ClickY%
        Sleep, 50
        Send, c
        WinWaitNotActive,  ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd,, 0.5 ; wait for save dialog, etc
        If ErrorLevel =1
          Send, !{Tab}
    ; Open IE link in new window
      IfWinActive, ahk_class IEFrame ; going to click on a link to open in new window
        If A_Cursor =Unknown ; pointer is probably the Hand icon (for links)
          StatusBarGetText, IEStatusBarText, 1
          StringLeft, IEStatusBarText, IEStatusBarText, 4
          If IEStatusBarText = java ; javascript - should open in its own new window anyhow
            Click, %ClickX%, %ClickY%
            SetTimer, OpenIELinkInNewWindowSleep, 400 ; new thread
            Send +{Click %ClickX%, %ClickY%}  ; Shift+LeftClick
            SetTimer, OpenIELinkInNewWindowSleep, 400 ; new thread
    ; else send normal middle click
      If GetKeyState("MButton", "P") ; The middle button is physically down
        MouseClick, Middle, %ClickX%, %ClickY%,, Down
        MouseClick, Middle, %ClickX%, %ClickY%
    OpenIELinkInNewWindowSleep: ; if still holding middle mouse down, returns to original window
      SetTimer, OpenIELinkInNewWindowSleep, Off
      WinWaitNotActive, ahk_id %WindowUnderMouseID%,, 1
      Sleep, 100
      WinMaximize, A
      If GetKeyState("MButton", "P") ; The middle button is physically down
        WinActivate ahk_id %WindowUnderMouseID%
    am generat un executabil ce ruleaza in system tray si face exact acest lucru.

    Pentru cei care vor sa utilizeze asa ceva am pus si fisierul generat.
    Fișiere atașate Fișiere atașate

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