o luna?fain
o luna?fain
Da si eu am cautat mult regulile astea, ca nu stiam de ce nu pot da reply la anumite posturi, pe urma mi-a explicat cineva. Intr-un fel e bine in altul nu prea ca poate ai de spus ceva in anumite locuri si mai putin in altele si atunci e greu sa faci "numai continut relevant".
Oricum daca astea sunt regulile le respctam, probabil ca cei care le-au pus stiu ei mia bine motivul lor.
politica cretina si regulament in aceeasi nota. stau de vreo 3 luni pe aici, am incheiat peste 20 de colaborari, dar pentru simplul fapt ca am avut neobrazarea de a-l numi pe perfu cretin (o axioma deja) si pentru ca am salutat de prea multe ori (stiati ca exista o bariera a saluturilor, peste care daca treci, ai pus-o. vine depistatorul de saluteuri si te strange de c.aie cu trepidinul!), am adunat deja doua reputatii sau dracu sa le pieptane NASPA. haidi pa si pishu mare pe regulamentul vostru.
Da, se cheama bun simt.... si se pare ca unii dintre voi nu-l au. Marketplace-ul nu e pentru oricine... mai intai te implici... mai apoi rezultatele... e timpul sa te relansezi in alta parte. Zi buna!
Boingeanu Ben
Mie mi se pare ok asa, de 1 saptamana caut regulile, in sfarsit le-am gasit, dar nu e bai, am rabdare. Ai dreptate pt marketplace trebuie oameni ok si de incredere, nu oricine intra prima data pe forum si apoi poate nu mai intra niciodata, sufla ofertele la cei prezenti sau face el oferte mincinoase.
Well, I would like to hire someone for copywriting and I have to wait to make 30 posts? Or may be I should ask someone with more posts to make the thread?
I don't think another user will post for you in the marketplace because if you're not serios or not enough, that user will be guilty.
Try to make 30 posts and after that you can start discussions in that area.
in progress...
Contact: alex1nut@gmail.com
It's hard to make 30 posts when you are not Romanian. May be there should be a Foreign Users Corner in the forum.
Maybe you understood that this is a forum, not a classified ad website. The marketplace section is a bonus for its users, not just a marketplace where everyone is invited.
Trust, but verify.
Of course, but marketplace is a vital place for every SEO or Webmaster forum. And I also know , that it is hard to fight spam users and to keep the forum clean. We have the same issues in Bulgaria SEO and WM forums. I have read the forum rules (with the aid of Google Translate) and will wait until I have the permission to write in Marketplace.
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