Am gasit aici Google News Blog: Credit where credit is due, dar nu intelg nimic. Bine vad ca e ceva asemanator ca si cononical link
syndication-source indicates the preferred URL for a syndicated article. If two versions of an article are exactly the same, or only very slightly modified, we're asking publishers to use syndication-source to point us to the one they would like Google News to use. For example, if Publisher X syndicates stories to Publisher Y, both should put the following metatag on those articles:
"<meta name="syndication-source" content="">" asta ar meta tag syndication-source. Ce face el?
original-source indicates the URL of the first article to report on a story. We encourage publishers to use this metatag to give credit to the source that broke the story. We recognize that this can sometimes be tough to determine. But the intent of this tag is to reward hard work and journalistic enterprise. For example, to credit the publication that broke a story you could use a metatag like this:
<meta name="original-source" content=""> sursa originala. Asta cu original source ar trebui sa fie la mine pe site sa inteleg? Si cu celalt ce mai fac?