Pentru cei care nu stiu pagina uitati ce statistici face google
Cel mai interesant mi s-a parut faptul ca tin o evidenta a celor mai folosite nume de clase css.
Ma gandesc in ce masura conteaza in SEO sa folosesti .header sau .title in loc de .head .titlu de ex.
O chestie care m-a distrat a fost modul in care este scris textul(parca l-as fi scri io :p ):
A remarkably widely used one. More pages use the completely worthless <meta name="revisit-after"> than use the [i] element!few pages align their images with the align attribute. (The cynical amongst us concluded from this that most people probably put their images in tables and align the tables instead.)(which we all pretend is what HTML4 meant by its ridiculously vague definition)