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Subiect: what was u thinking ? Daah

  1. #1
    Avatarul lui fadisaaida
    fadisaaida este deconectat Junior SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    15th December 2007
    Putere Rep

    Implicit what was u thinking ? Daah

    Im not gonna make the thread long but in short form here is what happened to me with epayment and Brd.

    i started searching about 3 weeks ago for an credit card gateway in roamania and finally i decided to go for so i read the site and ask them to get back to me with an offer to my email ...

    in the mean time my paper work for the company is done im now registered company in romania. next step was opening an busniess bank account. since is part of BRD . i decided to go for BRD Bank . Once my account is opened then the lady offer me the epayment soultion. i didn't tell here that i already know about it and have an offer already . and since it is the same company i thought maybe through the BRD bank representer it would go faster so i tell her "yeah sure, i would like to have this option of online payment" ... few days later after the site was up on the net i go to sign the contract ... and here the funny part she tell me that i ahve to pay 350 Euro. which is more than double the price a got on my email from so my face goes like wtf i already have an offer for less than half what u ask, then she is all the sudden confused and asked me to send here the email so she can verify and if it's true then the price i got per email will be the ones effictive...

    I dunno what u guys think but for me it is realy was "funny"

    Ps. still looking for a sms payment provider can anyone of u guys plz send me the sms payment gateways players in roamnia ...


  2. #2
    Avatarul lui Tudi
    Tudi este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    30th December 2007
    Putere Rep


    I'm sorry, but it's "Romania". Thanks.

    Btw, BRD is french I believe, so blame the frenchies for ripping you off

  3. #3
    Avatarul lui Manuela
    Manuela este deconectat Junior SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    9th January 2008
    Putere Rep

    Implicit Re: what was u thinking ? Daah


    GECAD ePayment and BRD are two different companies. We are not part of BRD, we have a partnership with them on the Romanian e-commerce market. However, they have the right to promote their own solution, and I think this is what you got (the offer for 350 euros).

    The offer you've received from ePayment is probably still valid so, if you are still searching for a payment solution please get back in touch with our sales representative. You may also request an offer for SMS payment as it is part of our portfolio of services. And if you don't have the contact anylonger, just send an email with your contact data at and we'll call back.

    Best regards,
    Manuela Stoica
    GECAD ePayment

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