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Subiect: Cuvintele Cheie: Multe, Putine Sau Relevante

  1. #1
    Avatarul lui meetzah
    meetzah este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    1st October 2005
    Putere Rep



    Am si eu o intrebare. Pe un site cum e mai bine sa pui cuvintele cheie: multe, din toate domeniile posibile sau doar cateva, avand in vedere ca, din cate am auzit motoarele de cautare nu iau in considerare decat primele 20-30 cuvinte? Din cate am inteles ideal ar fi sa existe o asemanare puternica intre cuvintele cheie si continutul paginii. Poate cineva sa-mi dea niste sfaturi in acest sens? Poate niste utilitare online....

    Multzam !
    DWF - Servicii complete de optimizare seo. Vezi oportunitatile de cariera in cadrul DWF.

  2. #2
    Avatarul lui Krumel
    Krumel este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    15th November 2004
    Putere Rep


    Cuvinte cheie
    Logica alegerii cuvintelor cheie
    Densitate keywords
    Site-uri si Utilitare

    Foloseste optiunea "Search" dupa cuvintele care te intereseaza.

    Valabil pentru toti: cautati si apoi postati.
    Ultima modificare făcută de Krumel; 1st June 2006 la 05:06.
    Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.

  3. #3
    Avatarul lui Cristian Mezei
    Cristian Mezei este deconectat Administrator
    Data înscrierii
    20th February 2005
    Putere Rep


    Prin cuvinte cheie te referi la meta keywords ?

    Nu pune deloc. Omite complet acest Meta.
    Co-founder of Deepstash. Tech lover. Dinosaur. Dad. Chef.

  4. #4
    Avatarul lui Cristian Mezei
    Cristian Mezei este deconectat Administrator
    Data înscrierii
    20th February 2005
    Putere Rep


    Dupa ce m-a certat Krumi, hai sa zic si de ce.

    Inca de acum 2 ani, Google, Yahoo! si MSN au incetat sa mai ia in considerare, in algortimul lor, tag-ul META keywords. De aceea, din motive pur SEO este inutil.

    Nu poate aduce nimic rau, decat ca va incarca pagina cu inca 300 bytes - 50 Kilobytes, in functie de cat de inapt este webmasterul (majoritatea pun pagini intregi de cuvinte in acest tag)
    Co-founder of Deepstash. Tech lover. Dinosaur. Dad. Chef.

  5. #5
    Avatarul lui Razvan Pop
    Razvan Pop este deconectat Membru SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    9th July 2004
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    Cristi, nu sunt de acord cu omiterea sau ignorarea meta-ul keywords. Esti 100% sigur ca motoarele de cautare nu mai tin deloc cont de ele?

    Dupa cum spui si tu nu aduc nimic rau, deci nu vad de ce nu le-am folosi. Atata timp cat sunt relevante pentru continutul paginii ar trebui folosite.
    Cu stima,
    Razvan Pop

  6. #6
    Avatarul lui Krumel
    Krumel este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    15th November 2004
    Putere Rep


    Ignorati ce vreti.
    Dar ignorati pentru voi sau macar nu dati sfaturi "oficiale" (sau care asa se percep a fi).

    ps: ma indoiesc ca cititi link-urile puse de mine..dar in unele dintre ele sint lucruri referitoare la ce ar trebui sa avem si ce nu.
    ps2: pentru mine diferentele de perceprie sau de parere nu duc la cearta..sau nu inseamna cearta.
    Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.

  7. #7
    Avatarul lui Ciprian Sorlea
    Ciprian Sorlea este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    5th September 2005
    Cluj Napoca, Romania
    Putere Rep


    Citat Postat în original de meetzah @ Dec 30 2005, 12:54 AM
    Poate cineva sa-mi dea niste sfaturi in acest sens? Poate niste utilitare online....

    Foloseste Keyword Density Tool pentru a afla care sunt cuvintele cu densitatea cea mai mare (sau expresiile). Pasul 2 e sa alegi maxim 3 expresii/cuvinte si alea sa le pui in Meta Keywords. In plus, ar fi bine ca aceste cuvinte sa se regaseasca si in title/description. Motivul e simplu. Meta-tag-urile title si description sunt deosebit de importante, si daca continutul lor are relevanta mare relativ la continut, e foarte bine privit de catre motoarele de cautare.

    Pasul 3 ar fi sa folosesti tool-ul Spider View pentru a vedea care e distributia cuvintelor cheie in continut. Pentru a asigura o relevanta mare a paginii, trebuie sa ai o distributie cat mai naturala a cuvintelor, adica sa ai cuvinte cheie si la inceputul paginii, si la sfarsit, dar si in miezul continutului.

    Mai departe, intervin alti factori... folosirea heading-urilor, formatarilor speciale, textului din link-uri, title-urile, textele alternative din imagini si alte minuni. Asigura-te ca le folosesti pe toate, si ca nu faci abuz de ele... si vei fi "The lord of the SERP's."

    Foloseste Keyword Density Tool pentru a afla care sunt cuvintele cu densitatea cea mai mare (sau expresiile). Pasul 2 e sa alegi maxim 3 expresii/cuvinte si alea sa le pui in Meta Keywords. In plus, ar fi bine ca aceste cuvinte sa se regaseasca si in title/description. Motivul e simplu. Meta-tag-urile title si description sunt deosebit de importante, si daca continutul lor are relevanta mare relativ la continut, e foarte bine privit de catre motoarele de cautare.

    Pasul 3 ar fi sa folosesti tool-ul Spider View pentru a vedea care e distributia cuvintelor cheie in continut. Pentru a asigura o relevanta mare a paginii, trebuie sa ai o distributie cat mai naturala a cuvintelor, adica sa ai cuvinte cheie si la inceputul paginii, si la sfarsit, dar si in miezul continutului.

    Mai departe, intervin alti factori... folosirea heading-urilor, formatarilor speciale, textului din link-uri, title-urile, textele alternative din imagini si alte minuni. Asigura-te ca le folosesti pe toate, si ca nu faci abuz de ele... si vei fi "The lord of the SERP's."

    P.S. Poti folosi orice alt tool cu functionalitate similara.
    Ultima modificare făcută de Krumel; 1st June 2006 la 05:08.
    Scriem pe blog despre Optimizare site-uri.
    Avem pentru voi peste 20 de Unelte SEO.

  8. #8
    Avatarul lui Krumel
    Krumel este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    15th November 2004
    Putere Rep


    Proaspat postat pe Webproworld:

    Posted: December 29 2005, 10:24
    How to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

    When talking about search engine rankings many people ask themselves questions like; how many keywords should I put in my anchor text? What is the keyword density that I should have on the page? Should I use short copy or should I use long copy? Can I use flash or not? How many keywords should I put in my "alt" text? Etc...

    A general statement to answer the above questions is that "magic numbers do not exist." The most important thing you can understand as a search engine optimization expert is that algorithms change. Just when you think you understand what is going to make you number one for a keyphrase in a search engine, something could easily change, and you might have to spend months or even years trying to figure the new algorithm.

    It is better not to try to reverse engineer the algorithm, do something much easier instead... observe your top competitors. All you need to do is to understand what elements your competitors are using to make them rank in the top positions.

    The main elements to getting top search engines rankings are:

    - Number, quality, and relevance of inbound links pointing to your site
    - Fresh, relevant, quality content (needs to be added frequently)
    - Keyword density of your home page or any page you want to rank highly


    The first thing to observe from your competitor's sites is their inbound links. This means the number of sites that have a link pointing to their website. You can easily measure it by going to Google and typing: "". However do not only do this on Google because they don't show all actual links pointing to a site. Yahoo and MSN tend to show a lot more of the back links to any given website.

    Part of the observation should be not only what the links say, but where the links come from. Think about what the category is that those links come from. If you start to see a recurring pattern, you should start actively searching for links coming from that category.

    Some marketers use special software for robotic content creation. They generate thousands of pages with links pointing to their sites. This practice can be very dangerous, as Google will penalize unnatural linking or violations of their terms of service. And what happens is that those links do not look natural. One day one site may have 50 links and the following day have 2000 links, which all say the same thing and come from the same IP address.

    If you understand how to observe, this will never happen to you. You will learn how to look at your competitors, and observe how they are getting linked to. Then, just do what they do.


    The second thing to observe is how much fresh content the top sites have. Search engines love quality relevant content that is added and updated frequently. You will probably notice that the top sites in your niche have many articles and other quality content, and are continuously adding new content to their sites.

    People that surf the web are usually searching for information, so content is the "fuel" of internet traffic. If you want to attract many potential customers to your site, then you need to make sure that you provide enough content which is relevant to their interests. Updating it frequently with more quality content will keep visitors coming back to your website over and over again.


    The third thing you need to observe is the keyword density of your competitors. How many times should you repeat your main keywords? In which part of the web page should your main keywords be mentioned? Again, there is no magic number, it's all about observing and measuring against the top websites in your market. But what should you measure?

    - Meta tags
    - Alt tags
    - Titles
    - Names of the images on the page
    - Heading tags: h1, h2, h3...
    - Frequency and position of the keywords in the body text

    Each one of these items should be measured independently. There are tools to run keyword density against your competitors. If you run them against the top 3 or 5 sites, you may start to understand the secrets of top rankings.

    Again, your keyword density needs to look natural; otherwise you may fail in overall optimization. This is when you use keywords too often or too little. If you look unnatural, your rankings will suffer as a result.

    So, what did we learn here? Basically that the key to ranking highly in the search engines is to understand what the top 5 websites in your niche are doing and to apply this to your own website optimization.

    What do you do now? Get out there and start getting inbound links for your site. Add quality content to your site daily. And be sure that your on-site optimization, such as keyword density, is similar to that of your top competitors. Continue to do this every day and you will be ranking a the top of the search engines before you know it.

    Initial postat ca o reclama pe forum..un e singurul lucru fata de care s-a comentat.
    Eu zic ca daca vrei sa le o sa iti cada nici o stea in cap..dimpotriva..s-ar putea sa te ajute.
    Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.

  9. #9
    Avatarul lui meetzah
    meetzah este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    1st October 2005
    Putere Rep


    am ales sa le folosesc, dar mult mai putine decat la incepurt. am aprox. 15-20 cuvinte relevante.
    DWF - Servicii complete de optimizare seo. Vezi oportunitatile de cariera in cadrul DWF.

  10. #10
    Avatarul lui misu
    misu este deconectat Membru SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    12th June 2005
    Putere Rep


    am facut un experiment, o pagina slabuta: . descrierea care imi apare in google ( ) este exact ce am in

    <meta http-equiv="description" content="Agentie de publicitate prin internet. Promovare web">

    daca description conteaza ar trebui sa conteze si keywords... parerea mea...
    Scriu si eu din cand in cand despre mobila si amenajari interioare

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