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Subiect: Mare ghid de optimizare :)

  1. #1
    Avatarul lui Cipixxx
    Cipixxx este deconectat Junior SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    29th January 2007
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    Implicit Mare ghid de optimizare :)

    Design your site for traffic in 2005

    written by Elizabeth McGee

    What better way to start the new year than with more traffic to your web site. Web traffic is a critical part of your internet business and it is imperative that you design it to bring you the most amount of traffic possible.

    Designing your site for traffic includes offering good content, easy navigation and a logical flow. Additionally you must also build your site to draw traffic from the search engines because if you can obtain high search engine ranking, you can enjoy free traffic.

    It's important to note, however that good ranking won't do you much good without a well designed site and a well designed site can't bring you visitors if no one knows it's there. Both high ranking and good design need to work together.

    How do we pull all this together? Let's take a look.
    A word about Design

    A huge mistake I see many website owners make is that they get caught up in making their site cute. They love the little animations, buttons and dramatic backgrounds. What they fail to consider is that these things are worthless if you
    don't offer good content, easy navigation and a logical flow.

    First of all don't try to be everything to everyone. Design your site around a theme, preferably a niche theme. Don't confuse your readers with links all over the page. Design a logical flow.
    Lead your viewers to where you would like them to go. Leave plenty of white space and keep your pages organized. Clearly state at the top of your pages what you are about and what you would like your viewers to do.

    Secondly, I don't recommend pop-ups. I find that the majority of internet users find them annoying. The demand for pop-up blockers is a good indication that viewers don't want to see them.

    Thirdly, offer good content. Provide information on your site that will help viewers solve a problem. Offer information that they might not get elsewhere. Write reviews regarding your products. Write newsletters and articles and most importantly offer something of value for free. Give your viewers a reason to come back. It will also build trust in you.
    Traffic builders

    Good search engine ranking can bring lots of visitors to your site. It often takes a few months to rank well but the payoff is lots of qualified traffic. While it's not practical to depend solely on search engines for traffic it can complement your other advertising campaigns nicely. Aiming for high search engine placement is always a plus. Keep these in mind when developing your site for the search engines:

    -Domain names
    Choose a domain name that has your site keywords in it. For example, if you're a site about pet care, try to include the words "pet care" or words related to pet care in your domain name if you can.

    Keywords require research and there are several tools to help you out in this area. Here are my favorites:

    I suggest focusing on only one keyword or keyword phrase per page of your website. This may not seem like a lot but if your site has 20 pages you can focus on 20 keywords. Each page should be considered a landing page for your site.
    If you have proper navigation on your pages it will easily allow viewers to see everything you have to offer.

    Include your keyword or keyword phrase at the top of your page as well as in at least one header phrase. Also work the keywords into the body of your text as often as you can without sounding redundant.

    Your keywords should be in the Title tag as well as in your page description tag. Many search engines no longer look at the keyword tags but I recommend using them and including the plural forms as well.

    - Alt Tags
    Search engines don't index images, therefore any text on your site that is presented in image format won't get indexed. To solve this problem, you can enter the image description in the ALT tag. To be sure that the search engines recognize all the content on your site, fill in your ALT tags with
    your keywords. This will boost your keyword frequency and help your site achieve better ranking.

    - Linking
    Search engines will rate your site by who is linking to your site, so it's important to establish quality, related links. This can be accomplished in a few ways. One way is to establish reciprocal links with other like sites. When exchanging links be sure to include your keywords in your site title.

    Review the page you are exchanging links with. Be sure it is a site that you find easy to navigate and informative. I also recommend that the site's index page have a Google PR rating of at least one. This ensures that the site is not being penalized by Google. If it is a penalized site then you could be penalized as well for linking to it.

    Include a 'tell a friend' and 'bookmark' script on your site. This gives viewers an easy way to bookmark you and most of all return to your site.

    - Include a Site Map
    Site Maps let visitors know what information you have, how it's organized, where it is located with respect to other information, and how to get to that information with the least amount of clicks possible.

    Site maps also provide spider food for search engine robots. This can increase your chances of becoming indexed because a site map allows the search engines to easily visit every page of your site.

    A site map works best if you include a link to your site map in the navigation of every page on your site.

    Finally, don't let your site become stale. I have found that my search engine rankings improve when I periodically add new pages to my site and keep the content new and fresh. Follow these tips and 2005 may be your year for traffic.
    Ultima modificare făcută de Krumel; 19th April 2007 la 11:36. Motiv: Editat.

  2. #2
    Avatarul lui Krumel
    Krumel este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    15th November 2004
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    Vechi si cam irelevant.
    Multumim de participare.
    Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.

  3. #3
    Avatarul lui Cipixxx
    Cipixxx este deconectat Junior SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    29th January 2007
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    nu inteleg de ce zici irelevant...+ asta-i modul tau de incurajare a participantilor la forum? nu de alta dar am vazut ca si alti nou veniti au avut probleme cu voi, deci care-i smecheria cu forumul asta pana la urma? ii loc si de mine sau nu?+ daca ii atat de irelevant(inseamna ca aveti tutoriale mai bune pe foru, iar eu nu le-am vazut si as aprecia sa ma ajutati la gasirea lor..) poate fi sters

    sau....mai bine ai raspunde la o intrebarea mea cu flash-ul daca esti atat de bun si vrei sa ajuti cei mainecunoscatori in anume daca imi fac site map la un site in care voi avea meniu in flash, iar restul paginilor vor fi in html, search engine-ul va indexa toate paginile?
    Ultima modificare făcută de Cipixxx; 19th April 2007 la 15:02.

  4. #4
    Avatarul lui Krumel
    Krumel este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    15th November 2004
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    Cipixxx, articolul e datat din 2005. Sintem in 2007. Multe lucruri sint chimbate.
    Forumul nu face tutoriale. Forumul isi imartaseste experienta.

    Nu e modul meu de a incuraja doar a ta. Nu esti participanti, ci participant.

    Seo nu e o fosila care sa se poata refolosi in timp. In Seo sint niste aplicatii facute unui site, permanent actualizate si care difera de la motor de cautare la altul.

    Stai pe forum, nu iti interzice nimeni sa nu postezi sau sa nu citesti ce e aci. La fel, si tu trebuie sa accepti parerea altora si sa inveti.

    Seo merge pe experienta acumulata in timp si din ceea ce unii useri vor sa impartaseasca cu comunitatea.
    Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.

  5. #5
    Avatarul lui Ianna
    Ianna este deconectat Membru SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    28th March 2007
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    Cipixx si eu sunt noua pe forum dar nu am simtit sub nici o forma ca nu sunt bine venita... ti-as recomanda Search ... eu am gasit posturi si din 2005 destul de interesante, gen "Tarife SEO". Iar legat de tutoriale ... eu ti-as zice sa iei tot forum-ul ca un intreg tutorial revin iar la comanda Search pentru a cauta clar ceva anume. Iar in privinta postului tau, nu ca sunt rautacioasa, dar daca intr-adevar vrei sa contribui cu ceva nu face copy paste pentru ca ne e foarte usor sa vizitam link-ul de unde ai luat info ci fa un rezumat si preferabil in limba romana...

    doar o parere....

  6. #6
    Avatarul lui orio777
    orio777 este deconectat Membru SeoPedia
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    11th January 2007
    Bucuresti & Constanta
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    io cred ca ceea ce a postat Cipixxx e interesant si trebuie citit, ai ce invata si consider ca putem sa postam aici ceea ce avem prin hdd-ul nostru sa poata citit si ceilati. si dupa cate stiu io un copy/paste unerori, de multe ori e binevenit
    in nesimtirea mea o sa atasez si io cateva carti despre seo, putin mai vechi , dar promit ca o sa adaug unele mai noi
    Pana la urma..cine vrea sa descarce si sa dea click...cine

    vad ca mi s-a postat doar un pdf doarece depasea limita de 235KB/pdf...o sa le postez pe un ftp si o sa adaug link-ul

    Citat Postat în original de Krumel Vezi Post
    Seo nu e o fosila care sa se poata refolosi in timp. In Seo sint niste aplicatii facute unui site, permanent actualizate si care difera de la motor de cautare la altul.
    pana la urma ca incepatori noi trebuie sa invatam cum se construieste un site klumea , ce pasi trebuie sa urmam, ce reguli sa respectam si cred ca aceste lucurui se gasesc in cartile din 2005 si in ca sunt valabile in 2007
    Fișiere atașate Fișiere atașate
    Ultima modificare făcută de orio777; 27th April 2007 la 00:46.

  7. #7
    Avatarul lui Krumel
    Krumel este deconectat Ambasador
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    Citat Postat în original de orio777 Vezi Post
    pana la urma ca incepatori noi trebuie sa invatam cum se construieste un site klumea , ce pasi trebuie sa urmam, ce reguli sa respectam si cred ca aceste lucurui se gasesc in cartile din 2005 si in ca sunt valabile in 2007
    Ca idee..ce e intr-o carte sau articol din 2005, gasesti actualizat si mult mai bine intr-o carte sau articol din 2007.
    Nu sint inpotriva postarii de astfel de materiale. Multi am invatat asa. Dar totusi, multi vin si citesc aceste articole sau urmaresc link-urile postate. Poti duce in eroare un om care vrea sa invete, dintr-o astfel de initiativa.

    Apoi, ceea ce am zis nu e gresit si la utilizatorului libera alegere.
    Adica: "e vechi nu am chef sa o citesc" sau "sau e vad ce spune".

    Ca aport pentru comunitate..copy/paste nu isi are valoare.
    Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.

  8. #8
    Avatarul lui orio777
    orio777 este deconectat Membru SeoPedia
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    11th January 2007
    Bucuresti & Constanta
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    decat sa stau sa explic ceea ce se spune in carte aceea , si poate omit ceva mai bine dau copy/paste si cititi direct ferim de ideea "telefonului fara fir"

  9. #9
    Avatarul lui Krumel
    Krumel este deconectat Ambasador
    Data înscrierii
    15th November 2004
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    Nu veau sa ajung la o polemica cu tine.
    E de preferat experienta voastra decat articole vechi. Sint lucruri diferite in .ro fata de ce au avut ei.
    Cam asta e ideea.
    Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.

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