Am si eu un css de genul:
/* list-style: pos1 pos2 po3;
* parameter:
* pos1: none | disc | circle | square
* pos2: inside | outside
* pos3: none | url('arrow.gif')
* more info under:
.sitemap ul {
display : block;
list-style : none;
margin : 0;
padding : 0;
.sitemap ul li {
margin : 0;
padding : 0;
white-space : nowrap;
background : transparent;
.sitemap a img {
border : none;
.sitemap ul.level_0 ul {
list-style : inside square;
padding : 0;
.sitemap ul.level_1 li {
padding : 0 0 0 2em;
white-space : nowrap;
.sitemap .active {
font-style : italic;
si un html de genul:
* $Id: xmap.html.php 140 2008-04-05 18:52:30Z root $
* $LastChangedDate: 2008-04-05 12:52:30 -0600 (sáb, 05 abr 2008) $
* $LastChangedBy: root $
* Xmap by Guillermo Vargas
* A Sitemap component for Joomla! CMS (
* Author Website:
* Project License: GNU/GPL
defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
/** Wraps HTML output */
class XmapHtml extends Xmap {
var $level = -1;
var $_openList = '';
var $_closeList = '';
var $_closeItem = '';
var $_childs;
var $_width;
function XmapHtml (&$config, &$sitemap) {
$this->view = 'html';
Xmap::Xmap($config, $sitemap);
* Print one node of the sitemap
function printNode( &$node ) {
global $Itemid,$mosConfig_live_site;
$out = '';
$out .= $this->_closeItem;
$out .= $this->_openList;
$this->_openList = "";
if ( $Itemid == $node->id )
$out .= '<li class="active">';
$out .= '<li>';
$link = Xmap::getItemLink($node);;
if( !isset($node->browserNav) )
$node->browserNav = 0;
$node->name = htmlspecialchars($node->name);
switch( $node->browserNav ) {
case 1: // open url in new window
$ext_image = '';
if ( $this->sitemap->exlinks ) {
$ext_image = ' <img src="'. $mosConfig_live_site .'/components/com_xmap/images/'. $this->sitemap->ext_image .'" alt="' . _XMAP_SHOW_AS_EXTERN_ALT . '" title="' . _XMAP_SHOW_AS_EXTERN_ALT . '" border="0" />';
$out .= '<a href="'. $link .'" title="'. $node->name .'" target="_blank">'. $node->name . $ext_image .'</a>';
case 2: // open url in javascript popup window
$ext_image = '';
if( $this->sitemap->exlinks ) {
$ext_image = ' <img src="'. $mosConfig_live_site .'/components/com_xmap/images/'. $this->sitemap->ext_image .'" alt="' . _XMAP_SHOW_AS_EXTERN_ALT . '" title="' . _XMAP_SHOW_AS_EXTERN_ALT . '" border="0" />';
$out .= '<a href="'. $link .'" title="'. $node->name .'" target="_blank" '. "onClick=\"javascript:'". $link ."', '', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrol lbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=780,height=550'); return false;\">". $node->name . $ext_image."</a>";
case 3: // no link
$out .= '<span>'. $node->name .'</span>';
default: // open url in parent window
$out .= '<a href="'. $link .'" title="'. $node->name .'">'. $node->name .'</a>';
$this->_closeItem = "</li>\n";
echo $out;
* Moves sitemap level up or down
function changeLevel( $level ) {
if ( $level > 0 ) {
# We do not print start ul here to avoid empty list, it's printed at the first child
$this->level += $level;
$this->_openList = "\n<ul class=\"level_".$this->level."\">\n";
$this->_closeItem = '';
} else {
if ($this->_childs[$this->level]){
echo $this->_closeItem."</ul>\n";
$this->_closeItem ='</li>';
$this->_openList = '';
$this->level += $level;
/** Print component heading, etc. Then call getHtmlList() to print list */
function startOutput(&$menus,&$config) {
global $database, $Itemid;
$sitemap = &$this->sitemap;
$menu = new mosMenu( $database );
$menu->load( $Itemid ); // Load params for the Xmap menu-item
$title = $menu->name;
$exlink[0] = $sitemap->exlinks; // image to mark popup links
$exlink[1] = $sitemap->ext_image;
if( $sitemap->columns > 1 ) { // calculate column widths
$total = count($menus);
$columns = $total < $sitemap->columns ? $total : $sitemap->columns;
$this->_width = (100 / $columns) - 1;
echo '<div class="'. $sitemap->classname .'">';
echo '<div class="componentheading">'.$title.'</div>';
echo '<div class="contentpaneopen"'. ($sitemap->columns > 1 ? ' style="float:left;width:100%;"' : '') .'>';
/** Print component heading, etc. Then call getHtmlList() to print list */
function endOutput(&$menus) {
global $database, $Itemid;
$sitemap = &$this->sitemap;
echo '<div style="clear:left"></div>';
//BEGIN: Advertisement
if( $sitemap->includelink ) {
echo "<div style=\"text-align:center;\"></div>";
//END: Advertisement
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>\n";
function startMenu(&$menu) {
if( $sitemap->columns > 1 ) // use columns
echo '<div style="float:left;width:'.$this->_width.'%;">';
if( $sitemap->show_menutitle ) // show menu titles
echo '<h2 class="menutitle">'.$menu->name.'</h2>';
function endMenu(&$menu) {
if( $sitemap->show_menutitle || $sitemap->columns > 1 ) { // each menu gets a separate list
if( $sitemap->columns > 1 ) {
echo "</div>\n";
si vreau sa aliniez textul vertical ca in felul in care este acum imi apare pe site suparapus .este o harta pentru site si toate link-urile imi apar suprapuse din cauza ca nu au loc in fereastra de la site unele chiar intra pe sub pozele din dreapta site-ului . Ce sa modific???