22nd December 2010, 11:33
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Uite cum vad eu din afara, neavand niciun site de jocuri: castigurile sunt asigurate de CTR-ul mare obtinut prin amplasarea reclamelor CPC tip adsense foarte aproape de jocul propriu zis. Bineinteles, mare parte din clickuri sunt accidentale, "greseli de joc".
Asta nu va duce decat la costuri inutile pentru advertiseri. Si la fenomenul de smartpricing pentru proprietarul sitului, care in timp va vedea o scadere a pretului per click pentru toate siturile din contul de Adsense, fie de jocuri sau nu.
Mai nou, se pare ca Google a inceput sa ia in vizor fenomenul siturilor de jocuri, poate putini detinatori de situri din domeniu stiind ca in octombrie google a publicat un articol in care recomanda o distanta de minimum 150 de pixeli intre joc si reclamele Adsense.
One type of site we wanted to talk about are Flash-based game sites. Playing games on these sites, you'll notice that ads are often placed very close to the Flash player where the game is played. Publishers may reason that they're providing maximum value to advertisers by placing their ads very close to the area where their users are focused. However, many of these Flash games are played with a mouse, and the action in the games can lead users to do a lot of rapid cursor movements and clicking. We've seen many cases where ads were placed too closely to where the action was taking place, generating many accidental clicks.
Since each game and site are unique, we can't advise publishers on an exact distance between ads and games, but we do recommend a
minimum distance of 150 pixels between the Flash player and ads.
We've worked with publishers on these issues in the past and noticed that increasing the distance between Flash player and ads has had, on average, a positive long-term effect on CPCs. The reason for this is smart pricing. As you may know, the revenue you receive is based on the amount an AdWords advertiser pays for each click on their Google ad. The amount the advertiser pays varies per ad and from website to website, based on the likelihood that a click will result in a conversion for the advertiser. If we determine that clicks on a site are less likely to lead to business results for an advertiser (e.g., an online sale or registration), we reduce the price that an advertiser will pay for those clicks.
So, in short: Moving the ads further away from Flash games decreases the likelihood of accidental clicks and increases the number of clicks leading to business results for advertisers. A good deal for all involved.