Azi am primit pe mailul alternativ contului adsense urmatoarele:
To initiate the password reset process for your Google Account, click the link below:
If clicking the link above doesn't work, please copy and paste the URL in a
new browser window instead.
If you've received this mail in error, it's likely that another user entered
your email address by mistake while trying to reset a password. If you didn't
initiate the request, you don't need to take any further action and can safely
disregard this email.
Thank you for using Google.
For questions or concerns about your account, please visit the Google Accounts
Help Center at
This is a post-only mailing. Replies to this message are not monitored
or answered.
Cineva a incercat sa dea reset la parola
Dupa aceea pe mailul contului de adsense mi s-a trimis un mail alternativ de pe care sa se poata trimite mailuri in numele adresei mele
E prima oara cand vad atac si manipularea oamenilor pentru a intra in posesia conturilor adsense
ce nu face romanul pt bani
am vrut sa va avertizez si pe voi sa nu luati in seama asemenea mailuri
ati primit si voi chestii de genul?