17th October 2012, 01:15
11 out of 11 members found this post helpful.
Google Disavow Links
Tocmai a lansat Google Disavow Links, un tool care va ajuta mult recuperarea dupa Penguin.
Pentru cei care au fost penalizati si nu puteti lua legatura cu webmasterii sa va scoata link-urile, folositi acest tool, fiind mult mai usor.
Google Disavow Links – Recover from Penguin | Monitor Backlinks Blog
17th October 2012, 04:12
3 out of 3 members found this post helpful.
Trust, but verify.
17th October 2012, 12:13
2 out of 2 members found this post helpful.
Google lanseaza Disavow links
Google vine in ajutorul site-urilor care vor sa isi stearga backlink-uri si lanseaza Google Disavow Links Tool
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pentru un magazin online, FashionLand, Bld, Bulevardul Regele Mihai I 55, Baia Mare 430012