Am reformatat ieri pc (dupa peste 8 luni de functionare excelenta sub Windows 98 SE).
La reinstalarea extensiilor Firefox, am gasit :
<span style="font-family:System"><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%">"Using this feature makes you more anonymous. But your visit on a single webpage can still be logged. This way, both Google and the owner of the website knows that someone visited a webpage, but it's difficult to track all pages you're visiting. And it's really really hard for Google to track that you visited both Website A and Website B.
Note: It's not impossible to log your visit, since your ip address is still sent to both the website and Google Analytics. Also, the website might be using Google AdSense which uses a separate cookie."</span></span>
Cu alte cuvinte, se cam poate deruta Google Analytics ?