10th August 2012, 01:18
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100 Lessons Learned from 10 Years of SEO
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100 Lessons Learned from 10 Years of SEO
Mai jos am scos cateva ideii care mi s-au parut interesante:
Cute animals are the worst – Whenever Google releases an animal-themed update (like the recent “Panda” and “Penguin”), you know it’s time to get worried!
Money doesn’t buy rankings – It helps, but what you really need is a good strategy.
Don’t optimize for social media, be social – You don’t have to try to “look natural” if you simply are natural in the first place.
Read books – Fiction, non-fiction, whatever. Reading helps improve your writing skills and exposes you to tons of new ideas.
Long live the <title> tag!
PageRank is just another number – There are plenty of other, more important numbers that you should be tracking – including outbound links on a page, external outbound links and inbound links – rather than focusing exclusively on toolbar PageRank.
Internet marketing never dies (whether that’s SEO, ASO, PPC, CRO, mobile, email or display marketing) – Every month or two, I read an article about how some different aspect of SEO is dying. Here’s the thing… SEO will never die. It will evolve and the platform you optimize will change, but the theories and concepts will still there as long as people continue to run websites.
Baby steps make a difference – SEO can seem overwhelming, but doing as little as building one new link a day will make a difference over time.
SEO is a race, not a sprint – Don’t get frustrated if you don’t see results right away. SEO is something you’ve got to be in for the long haul.
You can’t outsmart Google – Google hires some of the top scientists, engineers and PhDs in the world every year. The odds of some “sneaky trick” you’ve found on an SEO blog outsmarting this brain trust aren’t very good.