Faina "scula"! Am facut si eu ceva teste.Postat în original de Krumel @ Apr 19 2006, 04:49 PM
post-edit: am revenit: vede si "ascunzisurile" din CSS...
Faina "scula"! Am facut si eu ceva teste.Postat în original de Krumel @ Apr 19 2006, 04:49 PM
post-edit: am revenit: vede si "ascunzisurile" din CSS...
Ultima modificare făcută de Krumel; 1st June 2006 la 05:50.
Raporteaza ca si murfi.ro face spam.. Asta pentru ca am unele div-uri ascunse care apar doar cand se efectueaza cautarea..
Dar, per general, e ok scula.. folositoare!
Daca ai nevoie de un programator... | Nu folosesc !YM
Google Spam Recognition Guide for Raters (doc) - discusses they types of sites Google considers spam. Generally sites which do not add any direct value to the search or commerce experience.
General Guidelines on Random-Query Evaluation (PDF) - shows how sites can be classified based on their value, from vital to useful to relevant to not relevant to off topic to offensive.
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
Web Spam Test Collections modalitati de a face spam recunoscute..si "confuzii" de spam.
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
Detecting Spam Web Pages through Content Analysis(pdf) Microsof patent.
Using Rank Propagation and Probabilistic Counting for LinkBased Spam Detection (pdf)- Universit`a di Roma “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy
Link Spam Alliances
Web Spam Taxonomy
Daca lucrurile astea ar fi luate in considerare de motoarele de cautare, cred ca o sa fie mai greu de facut spam.
Nu le-am citit pe toate, evident...dar am participat la niste discutii pe un forum....
Daca sinteti curiosi..cititi. Eu o sa fac asta..chiar daca timpul nu mi-o permite.
Strider Search Defender: Automatic and Systematic Discovery of Search Spammers through Non-Content Analysis
AIRWeb 2006 Second International Workshop on
Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web - 10 August 2006, Seattle, USA
Ultima modificare făcută de Krumel; 31st August 2006 la 17:58. Motiv: Am mai gasit ceva
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
Chiar orice mesaj nesolicitat este spam (prin asta intelegand bad intention)?
Totusi, moral sau nu, exista o legislatie care defineste spamul.
Spam by e-mail is a type of spam that involves sending identical or nearly identical messages to thousands (or millions) of recipients. Addresses of recipients are often harvested from Usenet postings or web pages, obtained from databases, or simply guessed by using common names and domains. By definition, spam is sent without the permission of the recipients.
Co-founder of Deepstash. Tech lover. Dinosaur. Dad. Chef.
More details about our webmaster guidelines
Quality guidelines - specific guidelines
* Avoid hidden text or hidden links.
* Don't use cloaking or sneaky redirects.
* Don't send automated queries to Google.
* Don't load pages with irrelevant keywords.
* Don't create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicate content.
* Don't create pages that install viruses, trojans, or other badware.
* Avoid "doorway" pages created just for search engines, or other "cookie cutter" approaches such as affiliate programs with little or no original content.
* If your site participates in an affiliate program, make sure that your site adds value. Provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
deci ce insemna pe romaneste spam?
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