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Subiect: Programming a Real Estate website

  1. #1
    Avatarul lui robbiee
    robbiee este deconectat Junior SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    26th April 2007
    Putere Rep

    Implicit Programming a Real Estate website

    Hi, we need a programmer to do the programming of a real estate website in PHP (Ajax is optional)

    Your tasks would be:
    Crawling few real estate websites,insert the results into the database and display them on the site(the crawling engine is already made)
    - search properties
    - users can list they own properties on the site
    - users section(internal email system,save properties,plus other features)
    - other featurs specific to a real estate site

    The graphic design is all done and ready to be inserted with code.

    It is urgent. We are going to choose the right person very soon.

    Budget: 500-600$

    Please contact me with your CV and portfolio at this YM:

  2. #2
    Avatarul lui zuk
    zuk este deconectat Membru SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    13th September 2006
    Putere Rep

    Implicit , full de scripturi real estate

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