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Subiect: Tentative de spoofing, made in RO

  1. #1
    Avatarul lui adolix
    adolix este deconectat Membru SeoPedia
    Data înscrierii
    5th January 2006
    Putere Rep

    Implicit Tentative de spoofing, made in RO

    Deschid acest topic pentru a face o colectie de tentative de spoofing, made in RO, si eventual pentru a gasi solutii...

    Am primit urmatorul mail:
    Notice of account temporary suspension

    Dear PayPal member :

    # We regret to inform you that your PayPal account, has been temporarily blocked due to various login attempts from different global locations.

    # As Romania is one of the most high rated fraudulent countries, we temporarily blocked your account to avoid future problems or misusage of your PayPal account.

    # Here are the last 3 login attempts :

    1. IP address :
    ISP host :
    Location : Niger

    2. IP address :
    ISP host :
    Location : Niger

    3. IP address :
    ISP host :
    Location : Niger

    # If you are traveling and made these login attempts yourself or borrowed your PayPal account to someone else , please log in below.

    Travelling confirmation Here

    # If you want to re-activate your PayPal account , please follow our instructions.

    Re-activate your account Here

    # If this situation is not solved in the next 24 hours your account will be permanently suspended.

    Sincerely, PayPal
    cele 2 texte bolduite erau linkuri, ce duc la:

    Ar trebui reclamat la ISP cel care a trimis acest mail
    Ultima modificare făcută de adolix; 29th October 2007 la 11:18.

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Momentan este/sunt 1 utilizator(i) care navighează în acest subiect. (0 membrii și 1 vizitatori)

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