Din curiozitate am incercat sa vad daca pot primi bani prin PP, am rugat un prieten din UK sa-mi trimita $1, se pare ca a mers. Vad ca apare si optiunea de withdraw unde apare contul de banca (e doar US deocamdata) dar poti scoate si banii direct pe card.
Asa-mi apare cand vreau sa accept banii:
Before accepting this payment, please consider the following:
Do you plan on withdrawing funds from your PayPal account?
You can withdraw funds to a bank account or to a credit, debit, or prepaid card. To withdraw funds, you must add a bank account or a card with a Visa or MasterCard logo to your PayPal account.
Sper ca nu a mai fost postat, acum vad si pe site-ul lor: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/we...ntries-outside , e si Romania in lista.
Send. Receive. Withdraw to a U.S. Bank Account or a card.
Send and receive payments in these countries. Withdraw from your PayPal account to a U.S. bank account. In addition, withdraw to a credit, debit, or prepaid card in countries marked with a ().
Sa fie intr-un ceas bun!![]()