Mi-am deschis un cont de PayPal de tip Business.
Imi cere sa specifiv "ownership type? Ce anume sa aleg? (am SRL)
What is your ownership type?
1) An individual consumer refers to any individual or household that is not a business, legal entity, or other type of organization.
2) A sole proprietor What's this?A sole proprietor is a business owned and run by one individual where there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. A sole proprietor may also use a business name other than his or her legal name.
3) Any other type of business, charity, or government entity
Din cate stiu 2) sole proprietor se refera la PFA
Daca aleg 3) imi da mai multe optiuni:
- partnership
- corporation
- provate company
- public company
- non profit organization
- governamental entity
Ce anume sa aleg in cazul unui SRL?
Am mai citit ca unii aleg 1) Individual dar aici vad ca scrie ceva de genul "....not a business...."