Nu stiu cum sta treaba dar PayPal devine tot mai imbecil si reguli idioate
Timp de 2 saptamani m-au haituit - sa le dau documente care atesta ca sunt eu si nu altcineva
Le-am dat ca sa aiba.Acum am cont fara limita (cel putin asa zic ei ca pot primi pina la 8000 euro pe zi - nici nu ecazul)
Acum primesc un mail cu mai multe ID-uri de tranzactii 6 la numar si ma intreaba de sanatate pentru aprox 150 euro in total.
"In order to comply with our Acceptable Use Policy and avoid the limitation
of your account, you will need to:
- Describe the products and/or services associated with your PayPal
If these transactions are associated with a website, please provide access
to the URLs of any website/s where these transactions originated.
If these transactions are not associated with sales from a website, please
provide specific information as to the nature of the transactions,
including a description of the products or services involved in these
Nu mai e voie sa vinzi domenii web ca persoana fizica?
Ce palaria mea de documente sa le dau ca nu mai sunt proprietar pe acele domenii
Un sfat?