Ok, deci de 6 luni am contul suspendat de la paypal. Trebuie sa verific bank account, credit card, photo id, proof of adress, business documentations, proof of business, proof of delivery.
Astazi am primit urmatorul mesaj:
Mentionez, contul este unu premier cu un mastercard atasat. Acum nelamurirea. Ce inseamna asta ? Se pot efectua retrageri pe mastercard sau paypal imi ofera posibilitatea de a-mi atasa un visa electron ?Your account has been limited for more than 45 days. It will continue to be limited but you now have the ability to withdraw funds.
While access to your account is limited, you may:
* place logos into your auction listings or on your website
* update your account information
* withdraw funds from your account
You may not:
* send or request money
* receive payments
* add funds to your account
* close your account