Hello X X,
For the safety and security of the PayPal network, we often review accounts
for potential risks. After reviewing your account, we have decided to close
it because of security issues.
We are making every effort to minimize any disruption to your business.
If your PayPal account balance is zero, and you have no unresolved buyer
complaints or chargebacks, your account will remain limited.
Option 1
If you owe refunds to any of your buyers, you can use the money in your
PayPal account to refund them.
To refund your buyers:
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click "Contact Us" at the bottom of any page.
3. Click "Contact Customer Service."
4. Under "Choose a Topic," select "Sending/Receiving Money."
5. Under "Choose a Subtopic," select "Refund/Cancel a Payment."
6. Click "Continue" and follow the instructions to refund payments.
Option 2
Money in your PayPal account will be held for 90 days. After 90 days, we'll
email you information on how to receive your funds.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
Am primit acest email de la PayPal dupa ce le-am trimis documentele care mi le-au cerut(pasaport, extras de cont, niste informatii privind ultimele tranzactii si o factura de utilitati).
Vreau sa stiu daca dupa 90 de zile, chestia cu primitul banilor inapoi este reala, in plus o sa mai pot folosi acest cont paypal, am creat acest card special pentru a face acest cont paypal, dar cand am vazut cat de nesimtiti sunt ... mai bine stateam in "banca mea". Imi limiteaza contul, imi cer informatii, fac tot ce imi cer si tot degeaba...Macar daca furam asa nu imi mai parea rau. Rahatii astia mi-au facut mult rau, la cat am alergat la banca sa imi fac contul, sa cer extrasul...nu mai pot dormi in unele nopti, mi-au distrus viata, ei bine asta nu conteaza...
Intrebarea mea finala este: Doar dupa 90 de zile o sa primesc banii mei(am 500$) pe el si intreb iar, o sa mai pot folosi acest cont dupa acea limitare de 90 de zile?
Daca ii sun mai pot rezolva ceva?
Multumesc anticipat.