Salut .
Poate imi recomandati si mie un plan de hosting din romania ( de preferat am domeniu . ro ) sa aiba asa cevf a:
Linux Server (some old distributions are not supported)
Apache Web Server
MySQL (version 4 +)
PHP (version 4.3 + / not tested on PHP 5)
PHP Configuration
safe_mode = off
max_execution_time = 1000 (recommended to prevent timeouts during video upload/conversion)
session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000 (recommended to prevent session expires during video upload)
open_basedir = (no value)
output_buffering = on
upload_max_filesize = 100M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)
post_max_size = 100M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)
GD Library 2 or higher
Mplayer + Mencoder (MPlayer - The Movie Player)
Flv2tool (inlet media » FLVTool2 - Flash video and meta data manipulation)
Libogg + Libvorbis ( Downloads)
LAME MP3 Encoder (LAME MP3 Encoder)
ClipShare Pro Requirements (Extra)
CGI-BIN Access
Apache mod_rewrite Enabled
PHP Configuration (php.ini): register_argc_argv = On
Must be able to run PHP from the command line (CLI) with exec()
Allowed execution of background processes with exec("binary > /dev/null &")
Da e vorba despre Clip-share . Aveti vreo idee ceva sa fie bun si cam la cat m-ar ajunge pe luna ?
Va multumesc pentru sfat .