Vad modificari semnificative in numarul de backlink-uri. A mai observat careva ceva? Cat timp are Google de gand sa o tina tot asa?
Vad modificari semnificative in numarul de backlink-uri. A mai observat careva ceva? Cat timp are Google de gand sa o tina tot asa?
Cu stima,
Razvan Pop
Primit azi:
Dear Krumel,
Google’s latest update has changed the SERPs more than any update during the past two years. There has been a lot of confusion as to why websites are disappearing from the search results and I wanted to touch bases with everyone with my thoughts on the update. Remember, this update is not over. We’ve gone through Jagger Update 1 and Jagger Update 2 over the past week. Apparently, there will be an ongoing Jagger Update 3 over the next few weeks to clean up some of the spam in the search results that is still sneaking through the Google filters. So if your website has dropped into the Google sandbox, there is still a small chance that you could pop back out after Jagger 3 completes over the next few weeks.
John Lessnau
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
Nici o schimbare, la nici un website, pe niciunul din urm. DC-uri :
bla bla bla .... bla
Co-founder of Deepstash. Tech lover. Dinosaur. Dad. Chef.
Curat "verticalizata" informatia Cristian. :p
Vezi ceva pe "orizontala".
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
acum doua zile cind am verificat cu tool-ul de la DP erau mici modificari. acum pt. ca eram curios dupa ce am citit aici pe forum am intrat din nou si am dat o verificare si aproape s-a dublat nr. de ibl-uri pt. toate site-urile, de la 200-250 la 400-450.
si am impresia ca mai mult ca niciodata lui google ii plac linkurile site-wide :?
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