salut all ,am si eu o intrebare:cum se poate vinde un domeniu .com (sau .org .net ... ) legal ,sau nu neaparat legal dar astfel incat cel care il cumpara sa poate sa il aiba pe numele lui nu pe cel am vanzatorului. va multumesc
salut all ,am si eu o intrebare:cum se poate vinde un domeniu .com (sau .org .net ... ) legal ,sau nu neaparat legal dar astfel incat cel care il cumpara sa poate sa il aiba pe numele lui nu pe cel am vanzatorului. va multumesc
Se face transfer de domeniu. S-au schimbat regulile de cate luni, pana acuma se facea cerere de transfer si ownerul trebuia sa confirme un link. Acum cumparatorul trebuie sa primeasca de la vanzator un authorisation code.
Directory Submitter - soft de inscriere in 4500 de directoare straine si 1025 romanesti
Anunturi - soft de inscriere in 500 de siteuri de anunturi
What is my Auth Code or Authorization Code?
To transfer a .com, .net, .org, .biz, .us, .info, or .name to another registrar, the registry requires that you confirm an auth code or authorization code. The auth code is unique to each domain name and is assigned by the registrar at the time of registration. You need to provide us with this auth code if you want to transfer a domain to us. We do not have access to your domain auth codes if you did not register the name here. These must be recovered at your current registrar. Once your transfer is complete, we store your auth code securely with your domain information.
Current registries assigning auth codes are: Verisign (the .COM and .NET Registry), Public Interest Registry (the .ORG Registry), Afilias (the .INFO Registry), NeuLevel (the .BIZ Registry), and NeuStar (the .US Registry).
Auth codes provide an extra level of security for your domain names.
When you register a NEW .com, .net, .info, .biz, .us, or .name with us, we store and maintain your auth code.
Co-founder of Deepstash. Tech lover. Dinosaur. Dad. Chef.
pai si marius..acum nu mai e nevoie de confirmarea mailului?
Eu am primit unul de curand pe, e foarte simplu, ii dai la vanzator userul si ceva authorization code si atat.
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