ODP prezinta un raport al anului 2005 si diferite informatii prin care probabil se vrea o transparenta a efortului realizat de unii editori ODP.
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ODP prezinta un raport al anului 2005 si diferite informatii prin care probabil se vrea o transparenta a efortului realizat de unii editori ODP.
Pe pagina gasiti mai multe informatii..sper utile.![]()
Ultima modificare făcută de Admin; 25th May 2006 la 05:04.
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
ODP Monthly Report - January 2006
During the last two months, the editor community did a big end-of-the-year house cleaning: In December, ODP's link checker Robozilla was set loose to hunt for broken links all over the directory: he removed 57,000 listings, that´s 1.21 % of the directory content. By end of January 2006, the number of total listings is almost as high again as before Robozilla's visit - and the quality has improved.
The data below was compiled on 1 February 2006, 6:00 GMT.
The Directory
Overall numbers
* Listings in the public directory: 4,723,850
* Net growth in listings: 32,298 (net growth in listings = total number of added listings - total number of removed listings)
* Net growth in percent: 0.69 %
* Categories: 697,808
The graph below shows the change of the total site number for December 2005 and January 2006. Normally we´d show only the January data in a monthly report, but this is a rare chance to show the effects of various quality control tools and holidays all in one graph.
Stiu ca sinteti foarte interesati unii dintre voi.
Dar postez doar ca sa stiti despre ce vorbiti..atunci cand vb despre ODP.
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
Pot pune datelele si pe DP ? Sau pune-le tu
Foarte interesant.
Co-founder of Deepstash. Tech lover. Dinosaur. Dad. Chef.
ODP Monthly Report - March 2006
The ODP Monthly Report is written and released by members of the volunteer editor community to inform the volunteer editor community and the public about the status of the project. It is not a publication in the name of AOL Netscape, nor will AOL Netscape take any responsibility for it.
Krumel - apeleaza la serviciile oferite de mine prin formularul de pe blog.
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