Am un cont de facebook al unui site(numele siteului). Pe acest cont folosesc FB ads.
Avand niste campanii active facebook azi mi-a inchis contul cu urmatorul mesaj:
We've asked you to verify your identify because it looks like you may have multiple accounts or may not be using your authentic identity.
If you've already tried to log in to Facebook and followed the instructions, but weren't able to verify your identity, please reply to this email and attach an image of your government-issued photo ID to the message. You can use a scanner or take a photo of your ID.
If you don't have a government-issued photo ID, you can also send us 2 different forms of ID (ex: school ID, credit card) that both show the same name. One of the IDs must also include a photo or date of birth that matches the information on your Facebook profile.
If you don’t have an ID that shows the name you use in real life and your photo or date of birth, you can provide 2 forms of ID that show the same name and a government ID that includes a date of birth or photo that matches the information on your profile.
Le-am trimis copie dupa CI, dar nu am primit nici un raspuns.
Problema este ca, campania ruleaza, fiind setata pentru o suma destul de mare(aprox 50Euro/zi).
Cum opresc aceasta campanie...cadoar nu o sa ruleze la nesfarsit...
Ma pune sa recunosc prietenii, dar dupa cum cred ca au multi conturile de facebook, O mulktime de persoane care nu cunosc mi-au cerut prietenia si am acceptat.
Ce dracu este de facut?