Este ok din punct de vedere al optimizarii sa pun title la tagul span?
Este ok din punct de vedere al optimizarii sa pun title la tagul span?
Cautare in google
Primul rezultat din cautare
Spicuire de mai sus:
Edit: Cred ca nu prea foloseste lumea title la span, de aia nu ti-a raspuns nimeni, dar dupa cum vezi, e ok.SPAN will allow a TITLE attribute that shows up on the page when the mouse is left to sit on the text. It looks a lot like what the ALT command produces when used with an image. Take a look. Lay your pointer on the text "Here's What You Get" below.
* Adding the Title Tool Tip:
o Follow this Format:
<SPAN TITLE="This is the tool tip box">Here's What You Get</SPAN>
o Here's What You Get
That's very cool. I would use it to death.
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Am un magazin online de Cosmetice romanesti si un portal de Afaceri
Cea mai buna sursa de informare privind tagurile HTML indiferent de versiunea acestuia cred ca ramane tot!
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