11th September 2012, 15:07
1 out of 1 members found this post helpful.
elegant themes au sistem de afiliere.
11th September 2012, 15:17
2 out of 2 members found this post helpful.
Iti dau cateva exemple de care m-am lovit in trecut :
Seo Plugins
Vbseo (The Leading SEO Plugin for vBulletin) = vBSEO - Affiliate Program
Joomsef (folosit in Joomla CMS si nu numai) - ARTIO Affiliate Programme - ARTIO
Joomla - GavickPro - Affiliate Program
Wordpress - WordPress Themes Affiliate Program | Elegant Themes
Cam tot ce misca in zona CMS - RocketTheme = ShareASale.com and RocketTheme
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing...