Pot pune adsense pe un site ce are si o pagina cu filme porno dar pe acea pagina nu exista adsense ( are si parte cu daca ai peste 18 ani m bla, bla, bla ).
Restul paginilor pe care este adsense nu incalca tos-ul.
Pot pune adsense pe un site ce are si o pagina cu filme porno dar pe acea pagina nu exista adsense ( are si parte cu daca ai peste 18 ani m bla, bla, bla ).
Restul paginilor pe care este adsense nu incalca tos-ul.
nu poti ! sau poti! dar e ultimul site pe care mai pui !
Din cate stiu poti, cu conditia sa nu afisezi pe pagina / sectiunea aia. Ma intreb insa ce "calitate" o avea site-ul tau asa, in general. S-ar putea sa te trezesti exclus din Adsense pentru continut derizoriu (ma indoiesc ca in debara ai pornache si pe restul site-ului... politica, filozofie, miracolul de la medjugorie...)
ca sa fii sigur ar fi bine sa faci subdomeniu pentru acele pagini.
Eu zic ca TOS-ul este destul de clar:
Ce inseamna adult content in ochii Google:Sites displaying Google ads may not include:
* Violent content, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization
* Pornography, adult, or mature content
Our policy regarding adult or mature content may include any material that is not appropriate for all audiences. While this obviously includes full nudity or sexual activity, it may also include textually explicit sexual content, image or video content containing lewd or provocative poses, strategically covered nudity, see-through or sheer clothing, and close-ups of anatomy that would be inappropriate if shown nude. Additionally, topics such as sexual health and sex tips may be held to a higher standard of professionalism than content that isn’t bordering on mature.… we sometimes suggest that publishers ask themselves the following questions to determine if content is family-safe: Would I be comfortable viewing this content with my parents or children in the same room? Would I feel comfortable viewing this content if my boss walked up behind me while I had this content on my screen? If the answer to either of these questions is no, then it is likely that some advertisers would not be comfortable showing their ads on such content and we might consider it mature.
Co-founder of Deepstash. Tech lover. Dinosaur. Dad. Chef.
Mie unul mi se pare f. clar...
Multumim Cristi pt. lamuriri.
E-imbracaminte.ro Magazin Online de Imbracaminte si Articole Vestimentare
Falkun.net Site Prezentare Firma Web Development si Internet Marketing
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