Am citit pe bloggul lor despre referrals .
Nu ai voie sa spun "click here" .. asta era clar. Dar sa spun "Buy best things" or "Great products. Buy one If interested." or "Great Products in here"
si apoi sa pun addul de referal?
Am citit pe bloggul lor despre referrals .
Nu ai voie sa spun "click here" .. asta era clar. Dar sa spun "Buy best things" or "Great products. Buy one If interested." or "Great Products in here"
si apoi sa pun addul de referal?
eu zic ca e riscant... vezi ca au ei niste formulari gen "Sponsored ..."
"publishers may never encourage people to click on any ad, including referrals, for deceptive purposes. For example, you can't ask visitors to click on a referral ad to make you money. Any endorsement or attention drawn to a referral ad must be done in a way that supports the intended use of the product or service associated with it."
adica pt fiecare "Cumpara Ceva" ar trebui sa intreb la adsense suport ca sa fiu sigur ?
In contul adsense la referals iti dau cateva exemple despre cum sa pui :
Tips for successful referrals:
1. Actively endorse the products you refer. Unlike with AdSense for content ads, we encourage you to endorse referral products by calling attention to the button or text link. If you believe in the quality of the product that you're referring, feel free to let your users know! Of course, in line with our policies, you may not click your own ads nor encourage conversions for deceitful reasons.
Eu inteleg ca n-ai voie sa faci ceva de genul : "Nicoleta Luciu goala, bla bla, click aici firefox with google toolbar"
Thread din 2007. Pentru noutati deschideti alta discutie va rog.
Co-founder of Deepstash. Tech lover. Dinosaur. Dad. Chef.
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